Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Children’s Internet Protection Act

The federal CIPA law is going into effect starting in July of 2012 that will educate students K-12 on internet safety. What is the federal law calling for from schools? It is a vague, yet definite list of CIPA requirements that every school receiving E-rate funding must begin to comply with and bring into play this coming year. The actual requirements were vague in their description of what they considered “inappropriate” content and never mentioned how administrators and faculty were to provide evidence of teaching internet safety to students. 

While there are online resources, curriculum packets, and DVDs available for general education teachers that are soon expected to implement these lessons into their courses, it is true that some teachers are completely internet illiterate and will be faced with a big challenge in order to weave this in to their curriculum. However, I feel that since we already have lessons on bullying other students and not talking to strangers, teachers should have little problem teaching their students to apply these expertise while engaging on the internet as well.  

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