Tuesday, June 19, 2012

‘Safe’ Social Networking for K-12 Schools

Let’s face it, unless your too young to have a Facebook account, you probably do are will have one someday. Since social networks are growing so rapidly, students will most likely be involved in communicating using the internet at some point in their lives. Because of this there most certainly is a need to educate them on how to use such sights appropriately, instead of just hiding it from them. The idea that students can use social networking to experience learning in a new way is absolutely wonderful. Aren’t teachers supposed to differentiate their instruction? 

Obviously, teachers should continuously monitor students’ behavior online and thankfully most of the new and coming programs do that for them automatically. The internet should be and apparent choice for teaching lessons and targeting students that may feel more comfortable “talking” on a social networking site.  It is a great tool for students in middle schools grades especially, because they can be asked to post discussions on such sites as homework if there is not enough time to do so in class. When getting practically any institution there is going to be some form of “blackboard” or other site that students will be required to master, so why not let them begin to practice these skills at an earlier age.

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