Tuesday, July 17, 2012


While our culture today openly admits that technology and gaming are beneficial to the classrooms and are an excellent teaching tool, it seems that those same people will give an eye roll at the thought of majoring in such a field in college. We know that in order to advance in the future one must study works from the past, which has led to Universities even offering "video-game-studies programs". Video games are only 30 years old and still not considered to some to be an art form worth preserving and archiving, which couldn't be further from the truth. This was proven by the successful open-house recently held that allowed modern day gaming students to take a trip back in time and play old school games such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario Bros., etc. They said they there were problems however, but the issues involved the kids playing too long and not taking turns. This is all the more proof that these games should most certainly be maintained somewhere, if nothing else so that we can someday show the next generation just how far we have come in regards to the gaming industry.

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